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Ardarutyan vors [111 серия Full]

1 10:37 03-05-2023
Ardarutyan vors seria 111 / Ардарутян ворс 111 серия
Ardarutyan vors 111 серия
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  1. Suzan 2 мая 2023 21:21
    • 0
    I have one question, in real life do you always handle the criminal actions by your selfs or you let the police or directives do there jobs why am I asking this because every film you make you give your criminal character to much opportunity to harm to punish innocent human beens you let it to go on and on and on until the end of your film then the last minute the police caches the bad man or bad women and the end finished. I think it’s boring and it’s like watching the same show in every movie.

    PS dear director next time pick a professional and suitable actors in your casting not like Anush she was sleeping and lashing in her acting I didn’t see any criminal gangster act same goes for Anahit character yelling screaming meaningless. next Gohar I didn’t understand why was she even in that episode all she does is crying or quiet all the time. Anyway that’s all for know good luck and good actors team on your next show.